WG5: QCD and gamma-gamma physics


David d'Enterria (EXP/PH), Peter Skands (TH/PH)

Mandate/Job description:

WG5 plans: Presentation at the FCC kick-off meeting (Geneva, Feb. 2014).

Detailed mandate: here

Group activities:

Workshop on precision measurements of alpha_s: from LHC to FCC-ee, CERN, October 2015

Go to this Twiki page for technical information about the group activities.

Subgroup activities:

  • QCD-1: High-precision alpha_s measurement
  • QCD-2: Multijets, parton radiation
  • QCD-3: Parton-to-hadron fragmentation: q,g and heavy-Q
  • Gammagamma-1: QCD measurements via gamma-gamma-->X: sigma_tot, VV, gamma PDF, gamma FF, ...
  • Gammagamma-2: EW measurements (anomalous moments, couplings) via gamma-gamma-->X: X=dileptons, WW, H,...
  • Gammagamma-3: BSM measurements via gamma-gamma-->X: radion, dilaton, ...
  • Detector requirements: Forward e+/- taggers, PID central detectors, ...

Indico agendas for WG5:

Click here

Mailing list for WG5:

  • Subscribe to the "QCD and gamma-gamma physics" email list.
  • Send an email to the "QCD and gamma-gamma physics" group.

Note: If you publish a paper related to any aspect of QCD or gamma-gamma physics at FCC-ee, we appreciate it if you let us know by sending a message to the following email. We'd like to compile and review the existing body of work for the upcoming Yellow Report.